Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The days go by...

Whew, time flies here when you are picking up horse poop....

Last Monday we used our day off to go with Jon on a trek of the island. He drove us up to the northern climes and part of the way up Mount Pantokrator, the tallest peak here. We were privy to a lovely view of the island, the Greek mainland and Albania.

Along the route we stopped at a few locations to engage in some geocaching. Geocaching is a global online treasure hunt that utilizes GPS coordinates to hide-and-seek logs and collections of trinkets. There are a few on Corfu and we found most that we were looking for. Each cache is completely different and unique because of the people who find it and leave their mark. geocaching.com for more info...

After our first stop we headed to Old Pirithia, Corfu's oldest village. There are remains of centuries-old houses alongside a new tavern. The place would be picturesque if it were not for the electrical lines running every which way. It was cold, wet and foggy, so the ambiance in the town was nothing less than eerie. Like in one of those horror movies, we thought a troglodyte would come out with a chainsaw and feed us to his young. We stopped at the small islet of Agios Spiridon to find a cache in the old Byzantine monastery and one on the beach before calling it quits.

Old Pirithia

Jon and Aldo investigating the contents of the cache

The week was spent either at the horse center or kiwi farm. Nothing new to report there, other than we are at 250+ crates picked in just over a week. We had a mini-horse photo shoot for the new calendar on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Steen wasn't too accepting of the idea for a "Men of Silva" calendar...

Poppy, one of the new foals


This Monday we split ways and enjoyed an awesome day of sunshine. Sayer went with Attila to the apex of Mount Pantokrator by way of the motor bike. There is a nice monastery on the grounds, but it is ruined by the presence of a huge radio tower. Afterwards the pair continued once more to Old Pirithia and made a long, cold journey back to a warm meal.

Mount Pantokrator in the background

Monastery with its blemish

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