Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last weekend, sorry for the delay....

Not really much to report on our weekend. We learned how to play dominoes the Dominican way and spent some time in the street playing Beteyah. Beteyah is a cross between stickball and frisbee that is played with bottle tops off of Beteyah water bottles, the 5 gallon kind. When thrown, the Beteyah top floats like a frisbee and you can put spin or curve on the top. The batter gets 3 outs, which are counted by strikes or a hit that is caught or stopped before it quits moing on its natural path. You really only need 2 people to play, but 4 is best in order to have a cathcher and a fielder. Runs are generally east to score because the tops roll under cars and stop...

Sayer hitting what is most likely a stunning home run

Aldo striking out after a miraculous curving pitch

Saturday night we caught a few drinks with our friend Cristian, who is the project manager at the jobsite. He took us with him on Sunday to supervise a concrete pour on the top floor of a 9-story bank. It was amazing to watch the workers up there without fall protection or safety barriers. Sheesh.

After some errands and a few tours of the local malls, we called it a day and wrapped up the night on the porch with friends and family.

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