Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3...

The week began for us on a bit of a humiliating lull and it all started on Monday morning when we woke up to find that everyone had left to work and locked us inside.  Unable to get out we resorted to sleeping in and woke up drenched in sweat because the electricity had also been shut off and the ceiling fan were inoperable. Olga came home from work around 14:00 and let us out after having lunch.  We never would have thought it was impossible to get out of a house but the barricades and locks kept us prisoners.

After a walk in the blazing sun and a stop at the local ferrateria (hardware store) to buy some much needed tools of our trade, we hopped onto a guagua and made our way to Guayacanes.  This week's goal we established was  to construct the exterior and interior walls of a foam house without any waste.  Three days of hard work and some serious planning yielded what we intended all along. We reused the window cutouts and some of the leftovers from previously constructed houses. Our new "baby" was erected with minimal waste and a pile of foam and scraps that fit comfortably inside a wheel barrel. We jotted some notes down and quantified the exact measurements and materials expended. We concluded that with a little work and a few extra cuts, the homes could be constructed in a more economical and environmentally friendly way. We are currently preparing a review and executive summary of our finding for our boss, Luis.

Our lunch at the jobsite. This was a real treat, we only get to eat this on days that end in y!

The week ended for us on Thursday and in preparation for Aldo's birthday.  Stay posted for a recap of the weekend celebration and events.

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