Saturday, October 16, 2010

Adios España!

On our last weekend in Spain, we ended up staying put and reluctantly passed up the chance to travel to Portugal (The trains were full). Instead, we spent part of Saturday in Madrid then went back to Houston's finca. It rained a lot, so we were cooped up inside. On Sunday we took a brisk, 5 kilometer walk to Cadalso do los Vidrios and caught some glimpses of the small town. Because it was Sunday; everything was closed except for a small pub called La Parada (Oh no, how dreadful!) Of course, we stopped in and honored the shopkeeper with a few purchases and had some wonderful tapas to eat.

We did some more walking and took in the entire town in about 15 minutes. The average age of the population here is somewhere in the neighborhood of 114 years but we aren't archaeologists.

The work week consisted of more brick laying and hauling of boulders. By now we are developing an inkling of muscles. We also completed a 3500 liter water storage tank and made significant progress on another.

Aldo assisting Houston with the water tank

Houston and Maria's house

Meals continue to be great and the conversations at night are very educational. Maria returned from her vacation on Thursday night in time for one last meal and we caught up on news from the outside world. We were glad to hear that all the Chilean miners were rescued safely.

The road leading to Houston's

Solar panel
Friday morning we said goodbye and headed back to Madrid to jump on the plane to Greece. The flight was easy and quick, and we met our newest host at the airport in Corfu last night. We will write another post soon after we get the lay of the land. This phase of our trip should be quite an adventure (as if the other parts have not already been...)

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