Friday, October 8, 2010

First impressions of España...

Sorry for the delay but we finally got to an internet cafe to catch up on our blog. Thanks to everyone for keeping up with our adventures.

Like we said, we arrived to Barajas Airport in Madrid on Friday morning and after a stop at customs and passport control we set eyes on the Metro. The Metro is an underground, light, passenger rail system that runs through the heart of the city and is virtually accessible from anywhere. It is an excellent and cheap way to travel. And since we are on a budget we figured what better way to travel.

Before we left, we sold our American Dollars for Euros with an exchange rate of $1.46 per €1.

We used Aldo's past experience in Madrid as a guide to get around the city but eventually had to get a map. We checked into our hostel and took a nap to offset the jet lag. After our snooze, we took a quick tour of the city. Among the places we visited were: Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Puerta de Toledo, Palacio Real, Capula de la Almudena, Catedral de San Isidro and a lot of little places along the way.

The final stop on our whirlwind tour was the Plaza de Toros. We arrived just after the bullfights had started but were able to swindle two tickets for the last 3 fights in the shaded area of the arena. Seeing the bullfight was definitely a new experience and regardless of your feelings toward it: It was something we had to see. The consensus was a positive one, if not awesome, and we even got to see a "matador" get tossed into the air by a powerful Toro de Osbourne. Our night ended there (not really) and we retired to our hostel for some rest.

Jose Maria Manzanares doing his thing

On Saturday, we returned to take in some more of the city and waited for the 18:00 bus to Cadalso de los Vidrios. We are anxious to meet up with our contact, Houston McCord and begin understudying.

Nos vemos, Vale.

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