Friday, August 27, 2010

It's official...

It's official...I have diarrhea! Not to alarm any of you all but I'm going to say that it's just my body adjusting to the various foods we have introduced into our bodies.  No more McD's for us...It's mangu and mofongo.  To elaborate what it is we've been eating: Mangu is a dish made of mashed plantains and topped with onions marinated in vinegar.  This is the national dish of the Dominican Republic and is served with a side of salami.  It is typically eaten for breakfast but is good at anytime of the day.  Think of it as a thick, mashed potato dish that goes with breakfast in place of hash browns.  Mofongo is a dish made of mashed plantains and chicharones.  Usually served with various meats, this a Dominican adaption of an African dish that is popular amongst tourists and locals alike.  My brief descriptions do not do any of these dishes justice but know that they are delicious!

On a different note, Sayer and I started the day off by visiting our new employer Constructora Manzano (Manzano Construction).  I met his office staff and brother, Carlos who are all very nice and generous people.  We spent some time catching up and went with Carlos to eat the previously described meal.  When we got back we visited with Luis Manzano, the head honcho and namesake of the company.  He is a young and friendly guy who was happy to have us on board. We chatted about the project and moved on to families and hobbies. 

We made arrangements to begin working on Monday in Guayacanes. Luis will drop us off out there and we will find our way back at the end of the week.  He ordered us some beds and we are currently prepping our stomachs for the high quantities of rice and beans we will eat alongside the workers.  The jobsite is about an hour away from Olga's house but Sayer has done it before so it shouldn't be a big ordeal to get to and from work. We will think of some things to do on the weekends to see some more of the country while we are here.

We closed off our day by watching a few innings of a baseball game at the park down the street.  Baseball is the third biggest passion in this country, right behind God and family.  Kids are raised to play from the time they walk and many end up playing in the States for major and minor league teams.  I look forward to getting out on the field with some future all-stars!

We will check back this weekend after some sight-seeing...

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