Thursday, August 26, 2010

We made it!

After an uneventful flight from Texas and a lengthy layover in Florida, Aldo and I made it to the Dominican Republic! Customs was no hassle and we were greeted at the airport with some Cuba Libres and sent on our way. We didn't really have a plan for getting to our home in Santo Domingo, so Aldo negotiated a taxi and I provided the directions.

We surged through traffic for a while and pulled up to the front porch of our host mother's house. No one was home so we hoofed it down the street to the colmado, a local corner store. We took a few minutes to talk to the locals and scope out the neighborhood, then walked back just in time to meet Olga, our mom!

We are staying on a quiet little street with Olga, her son Francisco, and his Fiance Karla. I will post pictures when I take some later. This family hosted me on my last trip and were gracious enough to offer again. We milled around the house for a while and fell asleep, now we are on the front porch visiting with friends and neighbors and tossing around ideas for the weekend.

We just wanted to let everyone know that we made it, thanks for the support and stay tuned for some posts with actual interesting content :)

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