Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gracias, y Adios!

Just as Aldo began his parting words, I too must start by saying thank you to everyone who helped make my dream become a reality. I am indebted to my parents and family members that supported me in every way as I took on this challenge. Aldo was a great travel partner and remains a good friend, and this would not have been possible without him. My hosts and friends across the world are owed a huge debt that I will only be able to repay by sharing their lessons with those I encounter from this point on. Most importantly, thank you to everyone who ever told me "Do it while you are young." Those words were a huge part of my motivation to go on this trip, and I hope that through this blog you were able to take a little trip for yourselves.

I have been back in the States for just a few days, but readjustment is coming naturally. I returned home wanting more adventure, which tells me that I left on a good note. I would prefer it this way as opposed to returning having had my fill and never wanting to explore again. I don't think my rambling days are over...

I learned a great many lessons, some practical and some just for fun. I went from the searing heat to the freezing cold, and everywhere in between. I have been covered in or bitten by fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, hornets, urine and horse poop. I have constantly been thrust out of my comfort zone when it comes to food, language, culture, hygiene and knowledge. I have worked in less than perfect settings and at times put forth a great deal of effort in exchange for a simple meal and place to lay my head at night. And you know what? I wouldn't change a single thing about my experience.

I was exposed to so much kindness and information about all areas of living. If nothing else, I learned that people all over the world are more alike than not. We have the same dreams, the same goals, the same families, the same pet peeves, the same choice of words and expressions, and the same sense of kindness to bestow upon new friends and guests. A simple stroll off the main streets of this world will lead you to a place that many people never know exists.

I don't know what this experience has done for me, but I do know that I will continue to learn and grow from it as I put some distance between this phase of my life and the next. I'm not sure where I go from here, but I do know that I want to be involved in construction and I want to work with people. When I find what makes me happy, I will do it for the rest of my life.

I appreciate everyone who followed along and stayed involved in our expedition. Luis, Olga and family, Houston and Maria, Arthur and Lydia and family, Silva Project members and friends, Captain George....thank you so much for taking the time to help me grow.

I don't expect any more posts to be written on this blog. I'm sure we will leave it up for a bit before making a decision as to what should become of the site. If you want to see more pictures or hear some stories, feel free to email me at Happy holidays, everyone, and take care!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Liss Ard Estate

During my stay in Ireland, I was fortunate to contribute to the holiday season preparations at the Liss Ard Estate in Skibbereen. Management has changed within the last few months and everyone was busy trying to get the house up and running for events both near and far.

The home was built in the 1800s and sits on 200 acres of fertile farmland, gardens, trails and livestock areas. Dominating the area is a deep, broad lake. The gardens consist of natural elements and pondscapes that are quite pleasant to enjoy while on a long walk around the property. There is ample space amidst the small ponds and wildflower fields that line the main road.

Other attractions include the Talking Stones, the Celtic Meeting Place, and the Sky Garden, an engineered crater that open the world above for each person's interpretation. Designed by an American architect, the crater has a stone in the middle upon which to lay and admire the different moods of the sky. The edge of the crater is just visible along the extremes of one's peripheral vision. 

The crater. This picture cannot and will not ever do it justice. This is something you have to see to believe.

The main house has several rooms upstairs as well as a stable block that was converted to contemporary living quarters. A gym, locker room, industrial kitchen, library and boardroom complete the package. From what I was told, the home is not intended for individual bookings, but can be hired out for conferences, weddings, private events, retreats, etc.

Also on the grounds are the Lake Lodge and Tower Lodge. The Tower Lodge, fittingly enough, is constructed as a stone tower and gatehouse that announces on of the entrances to the estate. The Lake Lodge, also fittingly, overlooks the lake and has a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. Though smaller than the main house, it is no less equipped for comfort. 

Tower Lodge

The Lake Lodge

The view from the Lake Lodge

Nice shot of the lake

It was a pleasure to be able to help move furniture and inventory to aid in the success of this great place. I hope to return someday as a guest and take some more time to explore the history and tradition of the estate and the local area of West Cork. I encourage everyone to go to to look at more pictures and learn more about the place. I think a new website is being created, but this one has some great images. 

Pictures from Ireland

One of the first sites that greeted me upon my arrival to Ireland. Not prepared!

My place of refuge during the storm. Also the site where I met Mickey.

Full Irish Breakfast (yes, that is all for one person). Eggs, sausage, bacon, black pudding, toast, soda bread, marmalade, and drinks.

The stones at Drombeg circle with the hills in the background
My good buddy, Jackson, playing in the rabbit holes.

"The Bothy," my private suite during my stay with Arthur and Lydia. Don't let the plastic on the roof fool you, this was quite a sturdy and comfortable place to stay. It was originally a cottage for miners during their stints in the copper mines.

Irish Coffee - coffee, whiskey, cream.

My last meal and final goodbye to Ireland and the signal of my return home.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sayer makes it home

Hi folks,

Just a quick comment to say I made it home with little incident. My bag got left in Chicago and I was a bit worried because there was cheese in there. It is damn good cheese, so when the bag was returned today a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders (Odd, seeing as backpacks usually put a heavy load on your shoulders). Must be the jet-lag speaking...

I promise to write up a final post and submit the pictures I have saved for you. I just wanted to let everyone know I am home and enjoying the holidays with family, friends, and familiar streets.

Have a good holiday, and keep tuning in for a few final posts. Cheers.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Heading home

I made the bus trip up to Dublin with little trouble. A night in a hostel near the city center set me up to collect my thoughts on what to do next. I had some information about my ancestors that I wanted to look into so I arranged a bus ticket to Nenagh, County Tipperary. I wanted to go up to the Belfast area but all buses were cancelled because of weather.

The forecast in Nenagh must have been no different. I stepped off the bus into -5 degree weather and a light mist. A quick look around the town of my Great Great Great Grandfather led me to the heritage center and cultural museum. I had a quick look around and asked about researching my roots. A hefty fee and months of investigation was promised to me, so I left it to another day and headed back to Dublin.

I spent my last few days out of the States just walking around Dublin in the snowstorms and sleet that poured down relentlessly. Most of the flights leaving Ireland and the UK are cancelled, so if I make it back home as planned I will add the pictures and write up a final entry. I think I am ready to round this out on a good note and save the rest of my wishes for the next trip.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Emerald...uhhh....snow covered island

I realize now that I have failed to keep up with my travels over my time here in Ireland. My apologies to all :)

I have spent the last 2 weeks in the company of some great people and wonderful culture. A few days were dedicated to helping around Arthur and Lydia's house. Playing with the youngest son took up most of my energy. We made a pretty awesome tent fort in the kitchen the other day and I spent about two hours providing the voice for spiderman in our dialogue.

The rest of my days have been spent at the Liss Ard estate, where Arthur is manager. They are working hard to prepare for guests and events over the holiday season. I got the job of hauling furniture and boxes up and down stairs each day. It is great to mingle with the international crew that is working to bring it all together. Oh, and I got to decorate the Christmas tree, not a bad skill to learn...

The cultural immersion has been unbelievable. Arthur and Lydia have given me so much information about Ireland's history and traditions. Not to mention the food! Dublin Coddle, Cottage Pies, mincemeat, spiced beef, Irish coffees, and plenty of Murphys ale to go around. I have taken a few day trips with the family to various spots around West Cork. We stopped at the old fishing villages of Union Hall and Crookhaven and took a swing by te beach at Barley Cove on the westernmost point of the island.

Another notable was the trip to the stone circle at Drumbeg. This creation pre-dates Stonehenge by a few thousand years and is one of thousands across Ireland. The stone circles were used to mark the winter solstices for the farmers. By marking the shortest day of the year they could plan when to plant and harvest their crops. Imagine how much work and time must have gone into creating something that can only be measured one day a year. Not to mention the fact that the sun doesn't always shine in Ireland, so that could cause a few delays as well.

Last Friday I walked into town to take part in the traditional music sesison at one of the pubs. A few pints found me tapping my foot along with the fiddles, banjos, tin whistles, and accordions that were belting out Irish folk music. Arthur and I went to hear Lydia read some of her written works at a poetry reading last week. I met some great people and learned a great deal about Lydia's hobby and art form.

Thursday was the Christmas party at Liss Ard for employees and volunteers. Everyone contributed a bit of food or decoration to make the evening a smashing success. With the stress of preparing the house, this was a nice break for everyone to sit back and take their minds of things. Last night I was invited along to a dinner performance at a restaurant in town. Two of Lydia's friends entertained the audience between courses and we all had a good laugh. I got to meet Lydia's parents and siblings as well, so even more memories were shared. I sure felt like part of the family. We wrapped up the night with a few pints at Rosie's pub before crawling into the warm house.

I am leaving the area tomorrow to head north for a bit of ancestral research. I can't wait to show some photos of my journey. Thanks to all those who are still investing interest in my travels. I will be home before Christmas, but expect a few more blogs from me before the holidays are over. Stay warm.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Aldo makes it home!

I have to start this final entry by thanking everyone who has followed along with us on this journey. It has been humbling to see the support and interest you all have had in a couple of boys from Texas. Nearly four months have gone by since I last set foot in the States and seen my family. It's GREAT to be home!

It's hard to believe that up until a few months ago I was still stressing over exams. I celebrated the start of this new chapter in my life by joining Sayer on a trip that took us to far away lands where we saw different things, ate the local cuisine and drank the nectar of our host countries.

One of the goals was to live like everyday people and experience the life of an ordinary man. I think we accomplished that in many respects and enjoyed the Dominican Republic, Spain and Greece to an extent tourists can't. Overall, it has been a trip of discovery and enlightenment for me. It made me realize the beauty of the human existence. No matter how different we are, we can find some common ground enjoy each other's company. Even if it's through grunts, body language and music. It has made me realize how important family is and value my education much more. The trip also made me realize how fortunate I am to live in the United States of America.

As I make my last entry and document my closing thoughts, I want the readers to know one thing: I am grateful and indebted to everyone who made this trip possible. Not everyone gets to do what I've done and looking back I am glad to say that, "I did it my way," right or wrong (FYI, I was quoting Frank Sinatra).

My life has changed and I am certain that it is for the better. Now that I am back, I hope to share my experiences with the people I have deeply missed and anyone who would like to find out more. I'll attached my email address at the bottom of this entry.

I have been asked many things about my travels and I've relished the inquiries. The one question mostly everyone is posing is, "What's next?" To that, I can honestly reply that I am eager to start my career. Barring any snags I encounter in the job market, I hope to start work after the holidays.

I wish my companion a safe return home and I look forward to reading your posts. Take care, Sayer and I wish you all the best!

I made it back 25 pounds lighter

-Aldo Gurrusquieta

P.S. Gracias a todos que nos ayudaron a cumplir con nuestro sueno. Especialmente al Sr. Luis Manzano y la Sra. Olga Seijas. Deberas estamos agradecidos de ustedes y espero que se encuentren bien. Ciao.