Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gracias, y Adios!

Just as Aldo began his parting words, I too must start by saying thank you to everyone who helped make my dream become a reality. I am indebted to my parents and family members that supported me in every way as I took on this challenge. Aldo was a great travel partner and remains a good friend, and this would not have been possible without him. My hosts and friends across the world are owed a huge debt that I will only be able to repay by sharing their lessons with those I encounter from this point on. Most importantly, thank you to everyone who ever told me "Do it while you are young." Those words were a huge part of my motivation to go on this trip, and I hope that through this blog you were able to take a little trip for yourselves.

I have been back in the States for just a few days, but readjustment is coming naturally. I returned home wanting more adventure, which tells me that I left on a good note. I would prefer it this way as opposed to returning having had my fill and never wanting to explore again. I don't think my rambling days are over...

I learned a great many lessons, some practical and some just for fun. I went from the searing heat to the freezing cold, and everywhere in between. I have been covered in or bitten by fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, hornets, urine and horse poop. I have constantly been thrust out of my comfort zone when it comes to food, language, culture, hygiene and knowledge. I have worked in less than perfect settings and at times put forth a great deal of effort in exchange for a simple meal and place to lay my head at night. And you know what? I wouldn't change a single thing about my experience.

I was exposed to so much kindness and information about all areas of living. If nothing else, I learned that people all over the world are more alike than not. We have the same dreams, the same goals, the same families, the same pet peeves, the same choice of words and expressions, and the same sense of kindness to bestow upon new friends and guests. A simple stroll off the main streets of this world will lead you to a place that many people never know exists.

I don't know what this experience has done for me, but I do know that I will continue to learn and grow from it as I put some distance between this phase of my life and the next. I'm not sure where I go from here, but I do know that I want to be involved in construction and I want to work with people. When I find what makes me happy, I will do it for the rest of my life.

I appreciate everyone who followed along and stayed involved in our expedition. Luis, Olga and family, Houston and Maria, Arthur and Lydia and family, Silva Project members and friends, Captain George....thank you so much for taking the time to help me grow.

I don't expect any more posts to be written on this blog. I'm sure we will leave it up for a bit before making a decision as to what should become of the site. If you want to see more pictures or hear some stories, feel free to email me at Happy holidays, everyone, and take care!

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