Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hitting the seas, airways and road again...

I have been writing my own version of "On the Road Again" but I doubt to achieve the success and notoriety Willie Nelson did.
Anyway, as Sayer mentioned in the previous entry, he and I parted ways in Greece and I headed to Venice, Italy.  The purpose of my trip was to gain some inspiration for my graduate studies in architecture. I certainly saw the brilliance and splendour that continues to captivate tourist worldwide. But let me back track and let you in on my journey to this "City of Bridges."
View from the F/B Ariadne on the Adriatic Sea

I took a ferry that left Corfu bright and early the morning of December 4th. The journey was leisurely and a first for me. I had the small cabin all to myself but it had all the essentials. After a 25 hour wave ride through the Adriatic, the ferry docked and I disembarked onto the Port of Venice.  I was shocked by the cold and wet weather. I had been told to expect bad weather and that rain boots might be a good investment because Saint Mark's Square was flooded and under a lot of water.  Determined not to let the bad weather dampen my spirits, I strapped on my backpack and made my way to my hostel which was supposed to be two minutes from the Rialto Bridge.

The famous Rialto Bridge

As I walked I crossed what seemed to be hundreds of canals and scaled countless bridges. The journey was hard on my feet and I couldn't wait to take my soaked shoes off. I finally made it to the hostel and settled in before I headed back out to explore the city I had waited months to see. When I walked outside, the weather had drastically changed for the better and the sun shown through the sky.

The Grand Canal in Venice, Italy

Here is a list of the places I visited: Ponte Rialto, Saint Mark's Square and Basilica, Ponte Academia, Ponte Scalzi, Ponte Constituzione, Chiesa San Vidal, University Institute of Architecture, Museum of Modern art and countless churches. I have to say that the highlight of my trip to Venice was attending a tribute concert to Antonio Vivaldi. Vivaldi, as some of you may know, is a son of Venice and master composer and violinist who lived during the 17th and 18th century.  It was a great end to my 3 day tour of Venice.

I am happy with my experience and visited everything I wanted to. I'll post pictures when I get back stateside in a few days. 


P.S. The calzones, pizza, gelato, pasta and tiramisu I devoured were scrumptious!

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