Monday, December 13, 2010

Aldo makes it home!

I have to start this final entry by thanking everyone who has followed along with us on this journey. It has been humbling to see the support and interest you all have had in a couple of boys from Texas. Nearly four months have gone by since I last set foot in the States and seen my family. It's GREAT to be home!

It's hard to believe that up until a few months ago I was still stressing over exams. I celebrated the start of this new chapter in my life by joining Sayer on a trip that took us to far away lands where we saw different things, ate the local cuisine and drank the nectar of our host countries.

One of the goals was to live like everyday people and experience the life of an ordinary man. I think we accomplished that in many respects and enjoyed the Dominican Republic, Spain and Greece to an extent tourists can't. Overall, it has been a trip of discovery and enlightenment for me. It made me realize the beauty of the human existence. No matter how different we are, we can find some common ground enjoy each other's company. Even if it's through grunts, body language and music. It has made me realize how important family is and value my education much more. The trip also made me realize how fortunate I am to live in the United States of America.

As I make my last entry and document my closing thoughts, I want the readers to know one thing: I am grateful and indebted to everyone who made this trip possible. Not everyone gets to do what I've done and looking back I am glad to say that, "I did it my way," right or wrong (FYI, I was quoting Frank Sinatra).

My life has changed and I am certain that it is for the better. Now that I am back, I hope to share my experiences with the people I have deeply missed and anyone who would like to find out more. I'll attached my email address at the bottom of this entry.

I have been asked many things about my travels and I've relished the inquiries. The one question mostly everyone is posing is, "What's next?" To that, I can honestly reply that I am eager to start my career. Barring any snags I encounter in the job market, I hope to start work after the holidays.

I wish my companion a safe return home and I look forward to reading your posts. Take care, Sayer and I wish you all the best!

I made it back 25 pounds lighter

-Aldo Gurrusquieta

P.S. Gracias a todos que nos ayudaron a cumplir con nuestro sueno. Especialmente al Sr. Luis Manzano y la Sra. Olga Seijas. Deberas estamos agradecidos de ustedes y espero que se encuentren bien. Ciao.

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