Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sayer makes it home

Hi folks,

Just a quick comment to say I made it home with little incident. My bag got left in Chicago and I was a bit worried because there was cheese in there. It is damn good cheese, so when the bag was returned today a heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders (Odd, seeing as backpacks usually put a heavy load on your shoulders). Must be the jet-lag speaking...

I promise to write up a final post and submit the pictures I have saved for you. I just wanted to let everyone know I am home and enjoying the holidays with family, friends, and familiar streets.

Have a good holiday, and keep tuning in for a few final posts. Cheers.


1 comment:

  1. Sayer.... it is so good to have you home safe and sound. I have enjoyed all of your posts and following your journey has been a wonderful experience.I sometimes felt as though I were right there with you. Thank you for sharing. Love you.

