Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Heading home

I made the bus trip up to Dublin with little trouble. A night in a hostel near the city center set me up to collect my thoughts on what to do next. I had some information about my ancestors that I wanted to look into so I arranged a bus ticket to Nenagh, County Tipperary. I wanted to go up to the Belfast area but all buses were cancelled because of weather.

The forecast in Nenagh must have been no different. I stepped off the bus into -5 degree weather and a light mist. A quick look around the town of my Great Great Great Grandfather led me to the heritage center and cultural museum. I had a quick look around and asked about researching my roots. A hefty fee and months of investigation was promised to me, so I left it to another day and headed back to Dublin.

I spent my last few days out of the States just walking around Dublin in the snowstorms and sleet that poured down relentlessly. Most of the flights leaving Ireland and the UK are cancelled, so if I make it back home as planned I will add the pictures and write up a final entry. I think I am ready to round this out on a good note and save the rest of my wishes for the next trip.


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